Misunderstood? Isolated, irritable, withdrawn? Relationships feeling off? Something doesn’t feel right? Trouble making a change? If this sounds like your experience, it is time to talk about it. Or get creative about it. Therapy can be an experience where someone “gets” you. Everyone, at every age, needs care and attention—a place to feel comfortable talking about the things we only think about but don’t (or can’t) express in a way that makes change possible.
Oh, and I hope we will laugh together as you heal! It happens in my work all the time. I am not a dispassionate clinician. I want to get to know you.
Sometimes you don’t want to talk. Maybe that’s not your style. Sometimes not feeling good about yourself or your life requires creativity. Art Therapy can be described as the process of making art in a therapeutic setting, or as an at-home therapist-directed project, or as an intervention and part of the therapeutic process. Phew, that said a lot.
Art therapy with children is often a means to explore the inner worlds of those who may not have the words to express themselves verbally. The quality of artwork is not the issue, nor does one symbol or shape mean the same to everyone. Remember, you don’t need to be an “artist” to experience art therapy. We all possess creative potential, and frankly, those who consider themselves unartistic often create the most powerful and creative product.
Some of my favorite work is art therapy with adults, whether they are “creatives” or not. Modern American life often leaves little room or encouragement to process the world this way. We don’t always have to just talk about it. We can create about it. There is a dormant aspect of you that has enormous potential if we let it. There are no mistakes in art therapy.
Therapy for teens and adults in California and Michigan